The Premier Business Fraternity at Penn State University.

Shaping People. Shaping Business.

President’s Welcome

Hello and Welcome to Alpha Kappa Psi, the oldest and largest professional co-ed business fraternity in the world.

​Here at the Penn State chapter, we proudly uphold Alpha Kappa Psi's tradition of excellence. Each semester, we host dozens of philanthropic, professional, and social events, run a professional development program for our inductees, and grow members as ethical leaders through multiple involvement opportunities. Most importantly, however, we genuinely consider ourselves to be a close family.

The brothers of Alpha Kappa Psi are some of the most ambitious, talented, and passionate individuals I have met during my time at Penn State. Not only have I truly found a home within Penn State, but I am honored to consider them my closest friends and grateful that I may continue to learn from them for the rest of my life.

Matthew Corr | President​

Alpha Kappa Psi is Recognized as the Premier Developer of Principled Business Leaders

Alpha Kappa Psi is the oldest and largest business fraternity in the country. As a brother, you are joining a network of more than 260,000 individuals worldwide. Alpha Kappa Psi is proud to be the home of alumni who have held positions that range from Fortune 500 CEOs to leaders of non-profit organizations. The possibilities for you and your career goals are endless; the first step to your success is here!

The Alpha Kappa Psi Advantage: Unparalleled 
Professional Development 

Alpha Kappa Psi is recognized as the premier developer of principled business leaders. The diversity and hardworking demeanor of the brothers are what make this professional business fraternity so special. There is an overwhelming sense of passion and drive in Alpha Kappa Psi and being surrounded by this enthusiasm drives future success. The confidence, analytical thinking, communication, and creativity developed through experiences in Alpha Kappa Psi directly translate to life after college. Below are some of the places that recent brothers have gone.

Congratulations to our newest Member Class,